Friday 27 January 2012

The Degree of Happiness By Betrand Russell

                    The degree of happiness. This article was written by Betrand Russell. He was a British philosopher, Mathematician and also Nobel laureate. By looking at his background education, one can assume that his article based on educational sector right? It also same with the writer. By reading at the heading of this article, first thing that pop up in her mind was 'Oh! This article regarding education. This must be tough though.' Well, it is wrong. One cannot do their first assumption by looking at the heading. People have to read the whole points that included in the article besides, the picture included also eye-catching.

                   As we know, happiness is a feeling, where it is probably balance of pains and pleasures, fortunes and misfortunes , success and failure, love and hatred , hope and worries. In other words, it is the average perception of all "good" perception and plus with "bad" perception. It seems that people have the different degree of happiness in their lifespans. Some people may see that poverty as their happiness, some may see it vice verse. This situation kinda different toward different people. So, that's why people cannot assume anything from others situation. It may be differ from our thoughts. One that we have to do is to ask them. For example, the poverty in Somalia. Before accuse anything to their government, make sure to know the real situation or else others will misunderstood.

                  Here, the writer also included some picture in order to readers understand the writer stand about happiness. Actually, people cannot measure about happiness but people can feel it.

                  Thus, the ancient conception of happiness is "a socially justified state of contentment" while the modern conception of happiness is "personally justified state of contentment."  According to Webster, a burglar celebrating his success in a bar with his friends is happy; but according to Aristotle that burglar cannot be happy, since happiness is relevant for rational beings, and a rational being cannot be happy with burglary. A celebrating burglar is a grazing animal


  1. "socially justified state" is really picturing the state of ancient world itself. Galileo himself was ignored and punished by his society for his different thinking. Well, I guess the best concept of happiness is in Islam, "modesty". We don't need much to help us survive but yet, there is no limit to achieve.

  2. thanks for the comment Teera Flyheart. I do agree with you. You have stated about the best concept of happiness in Islam is 'modesty' .Yeah~! That's true, in what ever we do, modesty is the most important.
